Porsche 997 for Sale

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4 Porsche 997 for Sale

60 years ago Porsche launched the iconic 356 and has since achieved a legendary status among manufacturers and car enthusiasts. Porsche is now the benchmark in the sports luxury segment with its own take on design and development. The flagship model 911 still has a rear mounted flat six engine and runs on a similar principle to that of the bumble bee that doesn't know it can't fly, but it does and with gusto. With a racing pedigree that outshines all other marques, Porsche holds the top spot among all prestige auto brands.

Who Drives Porsche Cars:

With a clientele reaching into the top echelon of society, the typical Porsche owner is successful, young at heart and with a desire to keep it discreet or else they would've gotten something Italian. The unique shape of the car and the characteristic "canned" sound of the flat six speak for itself. No serious car collector can be without a Porsche in the garage.

Rarity & Exclusivity:

With a colourful history of rare and exclusive cars due to racing homologation, Porsche is the ideal collector's car. Extremely well built, reliable and with a price tag that often matches the product very well. It's rather telling that Steve McQueen drove a Porsche 917 in the greatest car movie of all times, Le Mans.