Nissan 370Z for Sale

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18 Nissan 370Z for Sale

Nissan, or Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., headquartered in Yokohama, Japan, is a multinational automobile manufacturer with Hiroto Saikawa currently serving as President and CEO of the company. Nissan sells cars under one of several brands - i.e. Nissan, Infiniti (luxury cars for American market), Datsun and Nismo (internal label for vehicles that have been tuned). The current name, Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., dates back to 1934 when it was firstly used in relation to company’s trucks.
The first car ever produced by Nissan was DAT. The model name was an acronym from the first letters of Kenjiro Den, Rokuro Aoyama and Meitaro Takeuchi who invested in the company founded by Masujiro Hashimoto in Tokyo in 1914. After the war, when Nissan was experiencing financial difficulties, it cooperated with a well-known British brand, Austin. This contract allowed Nissan the rights for Austin’s patents and inspired the company to develop its own engine design of L series (with four or six cylinders) used with the succeeding car models.

There were a few more partnerships or joint ventures between Nissan and car brands such as Ford, Volkswagen or General Motors, but contracts occurred to be temporary except the alliance with Renault that started in 1999 and continues up to the present day with both companies holding each other’s shares.

In 2013, Nissan was in the proud sixth place in World Ranking of Manufacturers. The brands that exceeded Nissan were Ford, Hyundai, Volkswagen, General Motors and number one, Toyota. Nissan is also environment-oriented and organises awareness-raising campaigns on cleaner energy and sustainable ways of life that include the use of electric vehicles Nissan is in the top position of selling worldwide. The Nissan LEAF, Nissan’s electric vehicle introduced in 2010, was the first mass produced electric car in the world.