Ferretti for Sale

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Ferretti for Sale

What makes a Ferretti yacht special:

With a position as the world’s foremost and premier builder of flybridge motoryachts, Ferretti Yachts have never taken themselves more seriously than recognising that they’re building loved toys for successful people. This in turn has made them more appreciated due to the playfulness with which they approach every new construction. Norberto Ferretti said that sailing is "an experience to be lived completely and not endured".

Who owns a Ferretti yacht:

Men of success with the highest standards in quality and design looking for that ultimate toy to express their desires and dreams while being preciously taken care of with love. Ferretti Yacht owners are rarely seen partying it up but rather use their yacht for a pleasure cruise with friends and a nice dinner onboard.

Rarity & Exclusivity:

Recently named the number one Italian company on Business Week’s list of 500 Hot Growth Companies, Ferretti Yachts is heading into a bright future. Always known for their quality in service, performance and luxury, Ferretti Yachts will continue to shine and deliver glamorous toys to their discerning owners