GulfstreamG-V for Sale

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Filters: Gulfstream, G-V

2 GulfstreamG-V for Sale

Often referred to as the world standard business jet, the tales of Gulfstream V has reached almost mythical proportions and been featured in books from Tom Wolfe to Vladimir Nabokov. Developed initially as from military aircraft technology in 1958, the turbo propped G1 was so successful a legend was born.

The term crème de la crème comes to mind when speaking of jets. Nothing else is good enough for those who fly Gulfstream jets and with over one quarter of the Fortune 500 companies flying Gulfstreams, the rest of those three quarters aren’t really that special anyway. Successful is only one way to describe Gulfstreamers, kings and queens of the world is probably a more accurate description.

With each Gulfstream being detailed to specification, rarity is a guarantee and to say that flying in a private business jet is anything short of exclusive is like calling Sophia Loren ugly. With a plethora of different transportation modes available, the smoothest, most hassle free way to get around is by Gulfstream.