Chris Craft for Sale

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Chris Craft for Sale

What makes a Chris-Craft special?

To some, Chris-Craft is synonymous with pleasure boating. No wonder, really – ask the common man on the streets to name a few makers of runabouts and Chris-Craft is likely to be mentioned. Few companies, boat makers or otherwise, enjoy such a following and, more importantly, a rich heritage. With an unparalleled ability to adapt to the world around us, Chris-Craft has always had their antennas out. Not only did they introduce the whole American middle class to pleasure boating, they even managed to stay attractive during the Great Depression. Versatility like that is not a common sight to be seen, and is the spirit that still pervades the company philosophy to this day.

Who owns a Chris-Craft boat?

Owning a Chris-Craft has often been seen as something essential. Men of power, such as Henry Ford and William Randolph Hearst to the great entertainers of yore have enjoyed the fine mahogany creations from Chris-Craft. Frank Sinatra, along with Elvis Presley and Dean Martin, featured Chris-Craft in their movies, as well as in their private life.

Exclusivity & Rarity

Few boat companies have such a massive following. The Chris-Craft enthusiasts compose a tightly knit community, devoted to the enjoyment and preservation of classic Chris-Crafts. In fact, the Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club is the longest standing marque club in the world. Owning a Chris-Craft is not only a badge of honor, but also means that you own a piece of American history.