Ofrece vistas panorámicas de las islas vecinas de Koh Tan, con un impresionante amanecer sobre el Golfo de Tailandia y tonos pastel de puesta de sol sobre las copas de los árboles y las colinas del
Offers far-reaching views across to neighboring islands of Koh Tan, with breathtaking sunrise over the Gulf of Thailand and pastel shades of sunset over the treetops and hills to the Southwest. The
Ofrece vistas panorámicas de las islas vecinas de Koh Tan, con un impresionante amanecer sobre el Golfo de Tailandia y tonos pastel de puesta de sol sobre las copas de los árboles y las colinas del suroeste. La villa está ubicada en un entorno tropical tropical excepcional junto a una playa. El diseño de planta abierta con divisiones sin fisuras aprovecha al máximo su ubicación prístina frente al mar y su clima tropical. La enorme sensación de espacio se ve reforzada por los techos abovedados y las puertas y ventanas de gran tamaño que se encuentran en toda la amplia villa y su diseño fluido. Cinco espaciosos dormitorios con un dormitorio/sala de juegos adicional para niños hacen de este lugar un lugar ideal para familias
y amigos.
Offers far-reaching views across to neighboring islands of Koh Tan, with breathtaking sunrise over the Gulf of Thailand and pastel shades of sunset over the treetops and hills to the Southwest. The Villa is located in an exceptional natural tropical beachside setting. The open-plan design with seamless divisions makes the most of its pristine beachfront location and tropical climate. The huge sense of space is enhanced by the vaulted ceilings and oversized doors and windows which feature throughout the expansive villa and its free-flowing design. Five spacious bedroom sanctuaries with an additional bespoke kids’ bedroom/playroom make this an ideal setting for families and friends.
List Sotheby’s International Realty, Thailand is one of the local and the region’s leading luxury residential broke
List Sotheby’s International Realty, Thailand is one of the local and the region’s leading luxury residential brokerages with international network and strong digital marketing capabilities. We endeavor to provide the highest level of brokerage, project marketing, investment advisory, research and consulting services to our clients. We are the exclusive agent of the List Sotheby’s International Realty platform, which comprises offices across Japan, Hawaii, Singapore and the Philippines, Hong Kong as well as upcoming offices in Vietnam and Indonesia. Synonymous with prestige and discernment, the Sotheby’s International Realty® brand harnesses the worldwide recognition and prestige of the Sotheby’s Auction House name. Our advanced digital marketing capabilities and global media partnerships will change the way luxury homes are marketed in Thailand and the region.
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No. 59 Prim Ruamrudee Building, 3rd Floor, Soi Ruamrudee, Lumpini, Pathumwan, 10330, Bangkok, Thailand